The Artes School

Importance of Summer Camp for your Child’s Health

 5 Super Helpful Games Which Can Help Boost Child’s Confidence!

5 Super Helpful Games Which Can Help Boost Child’s Confidence!

Are you wondering how to boost your child’s confidence? Well, here are 5 useful games, tried and tested by the Artes School, to improve confidence. Play these games and work on your child’s confidence because confidence in life is super important for ultimate success! Michelle Obama said,

“Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.”

1. Catch the Compliment, Boost Child Confidence!

Catch the Compliment, Boost Child Confidence!In order to boost a child’s confidence, it is important for you to compliment him/her. Compliments boost self-esteem in major ways, and especially when they are given while playing games. Catch the Compliment is a wonderful game that will allow your child to have fun, receive/give compliments, and boost confidence at the same time. In this game, there is a ball. Children sit in circles, state a compliment, and pass the ball to someone who they think the compliment is for. We played the same game at The Artes School and the children loved it. One of the kids still remembers how he got so many compliments on his hand writing.

2. Favorite Sport Hour

Favorite Sport Hour

Out of 24 hours in a day, one hour should be the favorite sport hour. Play along with your kids in this hour their favorite sport. You can improve a child’s confidence in sports by teaching him that victory and defeat are a part of the game. When they lose, tell them it’s okay. When they win, appreciate them. This will help you build your child confidence in sports greatly!

3. Gather and Create to Build Child’s Confidence

Gather and Create to Build Child’s ConfidenceAsk the child to gather some recyclable materials from the house. Let the child create whatever he wants to with those materials. You can also provide him the materials yourself and then let him explore his creativity. You cannot imagine how much the ability to think creatively, make mistakes, produce something on your own can help build confidence. We try this activity regularly at The Artes School and we see our kids being confident about their work now!

4. Who does this Strength Belong to?

Who does this Strength Belong to?Name a strength loudly. The strengths could be fast learner, good reader, good cricketer, etc. Ask the kids to point their hands towards someone who they think this strength belongs to. We played this game at The Artes School, and one of the kids loved how the majority pointed towards him when we said “Great Cricketer.” He takes interest in cricket more than before now because his class thinks he is the best cricketer ever!

5. Storytelling Games to Build Child’s Confidence

The entire process of coming up with stories can improve emotional well-being, research suggests! You can ask the children to come up with stories, and share them with everyone. Appreciate them for their stories. This will help the child strengthen his cognitive and emotional functioning, and will also lead him to high confidence! 

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