The Artes School

7 Fun New Year's 2022 Activities for Kids at Home

7 Fun New Year's 2022 Activities for Kids at Home

New year activities make sure our new year eve is celebrated the right way! New year’s eve is always filled with joy and pleasure. The activities and fun crafts keep us busy all night long! If you are confused and do not know how do you make new years fun with kids? We have put together a list of 7 fun new year activities to keep the kids fascinated and busy. Let’s make sure we enter 2022 with loads of memories!

New Year Resolution

1. Wishing Wand

Who enters the new year without resolutions and wishes? We are sure, nobody! New years are special because they bring along with them hope that things will get better, you feel fulfill your desires, and reach goals! So, ask your kids to make a wishing band and write down all their dreams and wishes on it. They will be able to reflect on their dreams and goals this way too!

Wishing wands for kids on new year

2. New Year Chart Papers!

Kids love making chart papers. Ask them to make some for the new year eve too. They can try the new year art ideas on the chart papers. Paint “happy new year 2022” and make some drawings. They will love it when you’ll hang their chart papers on the wall!

3. Do-it-Yourself Snack Bar!

Put up a do-it-yourself snack bar where kids can go, create their own mix snacks bowl. Children can customize it according to their own choices and preferences. You can also put different stickers there so kids can decorate their bowls with stickers. This snack break will allow your kids to show their creative side!

4. New Year Dance Party!

There is nothing wrong with dividing the housework among you and your husband if you are earning too. Have a proper discussion with your husband regarding this and I am sure he will understand! 

5. New Year Eve’s Hats!

In order to make the new year’s eve hats, you need to draw letter numbers, cut them out, and then tape them to long pieces of cardstock. You can ask the kids to decorate their hats and numbers with pretty stickers. All the children will love wearing their hats during the new year celebration!

6. Bake Brownies!

Teach kids how to bake brownies and then ask them to bake some themselves. This way, kids will learn a new skill and will stay entertained and busy too! 

7. Play Games!

There are a number of games that can be played on the new year eve, such as musical chair, passing the pillow. Kids love playing games and these games will ensure your kids enter 2022 the right way! 

The Artes School has tried all these activities with the kids, and they loved them! It is now your turn to try these activities with your kids, and make the new year eve with kids special. 

If you have other suggestions regarding  What can kids do on new years eve at home? Or if you want to share how do you celebrate new years 2022 with kids? Let us know in the comment section below, we would love to hear from you! 


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