The Artes School

School Polices

1. Activity-Based Curriculum

Artes School believes in an activity-based curriculum that promotes experiential learning and active engagement. This approach encourages students to participate in hands-on activities, projects, and discussions to deepen their understanding and enhance their learning experience.

Learning Based on Activity
Deep Intellactual learning

2. Deep Intellectual Development

Artes School is committed to fostering deep intellectual development in students. The curriculum and teaching methodologies are designed to encourage critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity. The school aims to cultivate a love for learning and instill a lifelong passion for acquiring knowledge.

3. No Bag

Artes School follows a “No Bag” policy, particularly for younger students. This policy relieves students of the burden of carrying heavy backpacks filled with textbooks and notebooks. Instead, the school provides necessary learning materials and resources within the classroom, promoting a more comfortable and conducive learning environment.

No Bag Policy School
No Examination Policy

4. No Examination

Artes School implements a “No Examination” policy for students from pre-primary to grade 3. During this period, formal examinations are not conducted. Assessments are based on ongoing observations and evaluations of students’ progress and development, fostering a stress-free approach to learning.

5. No Homework

Artes School believes in a balanced approach to education and understands the importance of a child’s overall well-being. Hence, the school implements a “No Homework” policy for students from pre-primary to grade 3. This policy allows students sufficient time for leisure, family, and extracurricular activities, promoting a healthy work-life balance.

No Home Work Policy
Attendence and Leave Policy

6. Attendance & Leave Policy

Given our “No Homework” and “No Examination” policies, which aim to promote stress-free education, all students are required to maintain a minimum of 85% attendance for the entire academic year to be promoted to the next class. In case of absence, parents must submit a written application on the day the student returns to school. The management reserves the right to approve the leave or mark the student absent for that day. While Artes School provides comprehensive support and guidance to all students, it cannot be held responsible for any negative consequences resulting from low attendance, including decreased academic performance.

7. Dress Code

Artes School maintains a uniform dress code to emphasize unity and identity within the school community. It is mandatory for boys to wear pants and shirts, and for girls to wear frocks in teal and yellow. These colors are specifically chosen to align with the school’s logo, symbolizing our values and spirit.

Dress Code Policy
Refund Fee Policy

8. Fee Refund Policy

According to our policy, admission and monthly fees are non-refundable. However, we understand that circumstances may arise that require the withdrawal of a student from our school. In such cases, parents or guardians must inform us one session prior to their child’s withdrawal to be eligible for a refund of the security deposit.

Our security deposit is refundable upon meeting this requirement, and the refund will be processed within three months of receiving the withdrawal request. We strive to make this process smooth and efficient, and encourage you to contact our administration office with any questions or concerns.

9. General Rules & Regulations

1. Punctuality in attendance is advised for all students.
2. Students must arrive at school on time for classes and scheduled activities.
3. Absences must be reported to the school office by a parent or guardian as per the attendance and leave policy.
4. Students who are late might not be allowed to enter the school.
5. 85% annual attendance needed to get promoted to next class.

Best School Rules And Regulation
School Safety and Security

10. Safety and Security

1. In case of injuries or illnesses, the school has first aid facilities and trained personnel to provide immediate medical assistance. The school is also equipped with fire extinguishers to handle any fire incidents.
2. Artes School prioritizes student safety during school hours and is equipped with 24/7 CCTV surveillance for security purposes.
3. During dismissal, teachers will not hand over children to unauthorized persons without the official gate pass provided to parents for picking up their children.
4. The school will provide contact numbers of van drivers. Parents are encouraged to keep the contact information of the drivers their children use, as the school cannot take action in response to complaints about them.
5. Students are not permitted to travel home alone from school without written permission from their parents.

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